« Metoclopramide Attorney Files Movement Disorder Lawsuit in Illinois | Main | Reglan Attorney Alleges that Reglan Manufacturers Knowingly Sell a Defective Product »



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Reglan & Metoclopramide Videos

  • How To Report Adverse Events To The FDA
    If you think you've suffered from a side effect from a prescription drug, you can voluntarily choose to report your symptoms to the FDA. This video from the FDA tells you how to do so. Reporting an injury to the FDA is not the same as hiring an attorney.
  • Safety Alert From The FDA
    The FDA issued the following safety alert to warn the public about the dangers of using Reglan or Metoclopramide for a long period of time. Do not make any decisions about whether you should stop taking your medication without consulting your doctor.
  • What Movement Disorders Look Like
    This video shows what movement disorders like Tardive Dyskinesia look like. If you or someone you love has similar symptoms, you might want to consider consulting with a Reglan lawyer.
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